Sunday, January 2, 2011

Back to Asuncion

Yesterday we got in our first full day of work. Both of the previous two days we have only been able to work a half-day. The rain threatened to cancel our afternoon work session, but it let up around lunchtime allowing us to complete 5 more layers of bricklaying. We tried to clean up before going to the evening's VBS, but while four of us were in the showers, the water pressure kind of nothing. The VBS was a much more satisfying experience than the showers. There were several kids who came and some members of the team really made connections, even through the language barrier (not that members of the team didn't try speaking-Shushan accidently spoke Russian to quite a few).

Today we went to our first church service here in Paraguay. We had to take two trips down the mountain (a total of at least 14 trips this week up and down this very bumpy trail). The church service was in the local community, where Anna's father is the pastor. The service was conducted in Spanish and a few of us were able to grasp some of what was being said. The music at this church was very varied, with some faster paced and some slower paced songs. The service started at about 9 and lasted until 10:30 or so. After the service and lunch we made the trip back to Asuncion where we will be spending a few days in the guesthouse.


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